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October 24, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
October 24, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY12 Warrant #09
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

October 11, 2011 Regular Meeting- Edie moved to accept the minutes. Stan seconded.
All in favor (3-0).

Introduction of PMLD General manager Brian Allen
John introduced Brian Allen as the new PMLD General Manager.  Brian said has been with PMLD for seven years and has the same vision for the department as Jon Fitch. The board was pleased to welcome him and offered their support to him and to the Mass Broadband initiative.

Road Advisory Committee – Larry Greene
Larry Greene presented a Roads Plan for FY12-FY19.  Larry noted that if the Strap Grant is approved, Mirick Road will be repaved in FY13.  Raymond said the board supports moving ahead with the plan.
Larry also proposed hiring an additional person for the Highway Department in order to properly maintain roads and catch basins. The board will take it under advisement and thanked Larry for his time and dedication to Princeton’s roads.

MEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)
Captain Dufrense informed the board that MEMA is offering a 2009 performance grant with a 100% match. To qualify, a completed proposal for a command vehicle in the amount of $29,246 is due to MEMA by November 1. The grant requires the town to provide proof of ability to fund at 100% and the actual purchase will be reimbursed 50% of the total cost.  John said funds are available in the Fire Department expense account and noted there is no obligation to accept the grant if awarded.
Edie moved to support the MEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant and use the Fire Department expense account line item as funding source. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Captain Dufrense said the existing 1997 command vehicle is in bad shape and is not worth repairing.  John will research internet auctions of surplus vehicles.

Town Meeting Quorum
John reported it took 55 minutes to achieve a quorum at the Special Town Meeting and asked the board if they would like him to investigate how to reduce the current 3 % requirement of registered voters.  The board agreed that special and annual town meeting quorums should be considered separately.

Inter-municipal Agreement with WRSD for Green Repair Project
John received notice that an agreement must be signed between the Town, WRSD, and Mass School Building Authority to enter into an Inter-municipal agreement as part of the reimbursement process.
Edie moved to sign the Inter-municipal agreement between the WRSD, the Mass School Building Authority and the Town for the Green Repair project. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Thomas Prince School PCB Update
John said the cleanup is moving to Phase II at this time.

Other Business

Public Comment
Bill Dino commented on the status of the five week ambulance coverage pilot test. Total paramedic coverage increased to 72% and EMT coverage to 65%.  Funding options will be discussed at a future meeting.

Full-time Fire Chief Appointment Process & Interviews
Full Time Fire Chief Process & Interviews
Raymond recounted that 34 applications were received, and the Full Time Fire Chief Screening Committee reviewed the applications and interviewed ten candidates. From that group of ten, four applicants were recommended that the Board interview. Of that four, one candidate, Laurent McDonald withdrew from consideration.

The Board conducted interviews with the three remaining candidates: Raymond A. LaPorte, Robert J. Mignard, and Paul E. Rekos.

At the conclusion of the interviews, the Board discussed its next steps. On a motion by Edie, seconded by Stan, the Board voted unanimously to authorize John to negotiate a tentative agreement on its behalf with its preferred candidate for the full-time Fire Chief position.

The Board then discussed the selection of the preferred candidate. Both Raymond and Edie expressed their willingness to proceed immediately. Raymond referenced that he wanted the new Fire Chief to have as much time as possible to prepare for the FY 13 budget process. Stan indicated that he wished to have a little time to consider the matter.

The Board agreed that it would next meet October 26 at 3:40 PM in the Annex to continue its deliberation.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. All were in favor.    

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:
Roads Plan for FY12-FY19
MEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant
Inter-municipal agreement
Resumes: Raymond A. LaPorte, Robert J. Mignard, and Paul E. Rekos